Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A new assortment of great pictures supplied by the US Navy

An F/A-18F Super Hornet lands aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) while conducting cyclic flight operations.
 ARABIAN SEA (March 21, 2011) An F/A-18F Super Hornet lands aboard the aircraft carrier 
USS Enterprise (CVN 65)

The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) holds a reception for the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore at Changi Naval Base, Singapore.
CHANGI NAVAL BASE, Singapore (Feb. 16, 2011) The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) holds a reception for the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore at Changi Naval Base

Sailors and Marines take cover from thousands of gallons of aqueous film forming foam solution during a countermeasure washdown aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76).
 PACIFIC OCEAN (March 23, 2011) Sailors and Marines take cover from thousands of gallons of aqueous film forming foam solution during a countermeasure washdown aboard the aircraft carrier
 USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76)

Saltwater pools on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) during a countermeasure wash down.
PACIFIC OCEAN (March 23, 2011) Saltwater pools on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier 
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76)

Naval Air Crewman 2nd Class Justin Dowd, from Phoenix, surveys areas affected by a tsunami caused by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake.
 KAMAISHI, Japan (March 21, 2011) Naval Air Crewman 2nd Class Justin Dowd, from Phoenix, surveys areas affected by a tsunami caused by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake.

CH-46E Sea Knight helicopters take off from the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2) with humanitarian assistance supplies in support of Operation Tomodachi.
PACIFIC OCEAN (March 21, 2011) CH-46E Sea Knight helicopters 
take off from the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2) 
with humanitarian assistance supplies in support of Operation Tomodachi.

Japanese citizens unload humanitarian assistance supplies from an SH-60F Sea Hawk helicopter.
TAMARIHAMA, Japan (March 22, 2011) Japanese citizens unload humanitarian assistance supplies from an SH-60F Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to the Black Knights of Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 4 embarked aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), at a landing zone in northern Japan. Ronald Reagan is off the northeastern coast of Japan conducting humanitarian assistance operations as part of Operation Tomodachi.

Given tireless load-'em-up, head-'em-out pace off Japan, wonder if they're hummin' theme to 'Rawhide'? 

I am very proud of our US Navy as they supply humanitarian efforts for the victims of the earth quake & tsunami in Japan.  God Bless them for showing this support for a people in such need. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Today I just wanted to share some pictures supplied by the US Navy in Japan

The forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) departs Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka
YOKOSUKA, Japan (March 21, 2011) The forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) departs Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka

An aerial view of ships washed ashore and overturned at a port near the Japan Air Self-Defense Force Matsushima Air Base.
 NORTHERN JAPAN (March 20, 2011) An aerial view of ships washed ashore and overturned at a port near the Japan Air Self-Defense Force Matsushima Air Base.

Japanese nationals receive food from an SH-60H Sea Hawk helicopter.
MINAMISANRIKU, Japan (March 20, 2011) Japanese nationals receive food from an SH-60H Sea Hawk helicopter

An aerial view of Minato, Japan, a week after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated the area.
 MINATO, Japan (March 18, 2011) An aerial view of Minato, Japan, a week after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated the area.

An aerial view of Minato, Japan, a week after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated the area.
 MINATO, Japan (March 18, 2011) An aerial view of Minato, Japan, a week after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated the area.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dedication to Sister Jean - Gibbon's Secrets Chapter 14

It is my pleasure to share this surprise birthday party with you this March 18th 2011.  Jean's birthday, celebrated on that special March 18th years ago, is still fondly remembered by two people who were at that party - my sister Jean and myself.  Happy Birthday Jean, enjoy your 81st - you are still two years ahead of me.

The Special Birthday Party from "Gibbon's Secrets":

March 18th arrived, and Addie said, “Jean we won’t be able to have your birthday party this year. So many things have come up we just won’t have time. Remember, today you have a piano lesson at Mrs. McGregor’s.” Jean was very upset, because she hated the piano lessons, and not being able to have a party was the last straw. “It isn't fair, Mom! I don’t even like the piano, and my friends are going to be as disappointed as I am about not having a party.”  Addie didn't like upsetting Jean, but she had planned a surprise birthday party for her. She knew when the party fi nally happened how much she would appreciate it. She drove Jean to Mrs. McGregor’s.  She dropped her off at the corner. “I’m very sorry Jean, but we have already paid Mrs. McGregor for the lesson. I’ll drop you off here, and you can call when you finish your lesson.” Jean headed for Mrs.McGregor’s with a very large pout on her face. When she knocked on the door, no one answered. She knocked again, still no answer. She thought, ‘Now this is really great. I’m not going to have my birthday party, and Mrs. McGregor isn't even home.’  Jean walked down to McLean’s Drug Store and called her Mom.  The sound of her voice made it very clear that she was upset. “Mom, Mrs. McGregor wasn't even home – now what? I’m calling from McLean’s Drug Store. Please come and get me, mom?” Addie said, “I’m sorry Jean; I just can’t imagine why she wasn't home. I’m sure this was the right day for your lesson. You just stay there, and I’ll be there in a little bit to pick you up.”

Now Addie had been busy dressing Bud in his costume for the surprise party as a Mammy, reminiscent of the movie “Gone with the Wind”. She had painted his face black, with a highlighted lip impression using a bright red lipstick. She had dressed him in a long pullover cotton skirt with bright polka-dots, and a large black turtle neck shirt.  Putting a bright red bandanna on his head, that even covered his ears, which came down to his eyes covered by a black eye mask. Adding a very large white pinafore, gave plenty of room for the big pillow that was strapped to his middle. Finally, very large shoes with socks stuffed with cotton and tied tightly. The finished product was perfect and she was sure no one would recognize him. “Now Bud, Jean told me a long
time ago that she wouldn’t want you at her birthday party. I don’t want you to say one word while the party is going on.” Bud grinned. “I won’t, Mom, this is going to be great fun. I’ll just shake my head yes or no to answer, and point when I want something.” Addie said, “That’s good Bud, now the girls are due any minute, so you just go in the front room and wait till everyone arrives.”  Bud went into the front room and sat down in one of the chairs thinking, ‘Jean is going to be so surprised – this is great. I really do like some of her friends – their cute.’

The girls started arriving and Addie was at the front door to greet them. Margaret Ann Boss arrived first, dressed as Betty Boop. The rest of the girls arrived together; Nancy Peterson dressed as Minnie Mouse,
Lucille Kelly as a ballet dancer, and Delores Hibbard as a scarecrow with big freckles painted on her face. Addie introduced all of the girls to the guest already in the front room, “Girls I would like you to meet our special guest, Mammy.” Th e girls all said, “Hi Mammy, nice to meet you.” Bud just nodded his head, and pointed at the chairs for the girls to sit down. He didn't say a word. The girls all giggled and took their seats around the special guest, the very round Mammy.

Addie explained the situation about Jean to the girls, and excused herself while she went to pick her up at the drug store.  She had a costume all ready for Jean to put on when she got back home. Addie had curled Jean’s hair that morning especially for her portrayal of Shirley Temple. She had planned for all of the costumes to have a movie theme; Jean as Shirley Temple, Bud as a “Gone with the Wind” Mammy, and the costumes worn by Jean’s friend’s attending the party.  Addie picked up Jean and said, “I’m sorry about the confusion Jean, but I promise to make it up some way for you.”  “That’s okay Mom, but I’m still pretty disappointed.” Addie drove up to the back door when they got home and took Jean through the kitchen stopping long enough for her to see all of the girls in their costumes in the front room. Addie said, “Jean, this is a surprise birthday costume party for you, and I have your costume all ready in the bedroom.” Jean said, “I can’t believe it Mom! You really pulled one over on me this time. What am I going to be dressed as?”
“Remember how long I took curling your hair this morning?” Jean said, “Yes, I was wondering why I had to do all that for a piano lesson.”  Addie said, “You’re going to be dressed as Shirley Temple; wearing a
checkered pinafore, with a ribbon in your curly hair. Th en we’ll make your cheeks bright pink cheeks, adding a face mask. Everyone has a mask of some kind, and the idea is to guess who everyone is.” Jean, with a look of total pleasure said, “This is such a neat idea Mom! I’m really going to enjoy this birthday.”

Addie helped Jean get ready, and then walked with her to the front room where everyone was waiting. Of course, they all knew it was Jean, but they were going to do their best to keep their own identity secret. Jean was all smiles, and said, “I want to thank all of you for coming to my party. Mom has kept this secret surprise party from me, so now we can begin by sharing our latest little secrets.”  Margaret Ann, as Betty Boop, said, “Jean, you look so nice, and I love your long curls. I wish my hair looked as good as yours.” Jean said,
“Thank you, Betty Boop. Mom does a great job with my curls as long as I sit real still. Your voice sounds familiar, but I’ll save my guess till later.” Nancy as Minnie Mouse said with a squeak, “EEK, where’s the cheese? Jean this is a special day for you as it makes you the oldest in our group. You better watch out or you’ll become an old maid.”  “Thanks Minnie, but I don’t think I’ve reached the old maid age yet. I really like your big ears and shiny nose; I think I know who you are, but sorry - no cheese. I’ll make my guess later.” Lucille, as a ballet dancer, leaped across the room. Trying to stand up on her toes said, “Come here my dear, and let me give you a big hug,” as she twirled around Jean said, “I can’t reach that high, Miss Dancer, and even though I know who you are, I’m not going to tell anyone.”  Delores, as a scarecrow said, “Follow me down the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ Jean, and I’ll introduce you to the wizard.”  “You are a sweet scarecrow and I would follow you anywhere. Can I guess who you are now?” Delores said, “Please don’t guess quite yet,

While all of this was going on Bud as the very round Mammy – was thinking, ‘They sound like a flock of magpies!’ Finally, Jean walked over to where Mammy was sitting, and said, “Now it’s your turn to introduce yourself, Mammy.” Bud moved his arms out in front of him and just pointed at himself as Mammy. Jean said, “Cat got your tongue?” Bud just shook his head up and down for a yes. The girls were laughing, and getting a big kick out of the fact that Mammy wouldn't say anything. They came over to Mammy, and pulled her up
out of the chair, marching her around the room.

Addie came in the room, with all the candles aglow on Jean’s birthday cake and started signing, “Happy birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday, dear Jean – Happy Birthday to You.”  As soon as she got the first “Happy Birthday” out of her mouth all of the girls joined her in singing – except for Mammy, who didn't sing a note. Jean was all smiles and declared to everyone, “You all have made me so happy. I think this is my best surprise birthday ever.”  Addie asked the girls to line up in a row for Jean to guess who they were. Jean guessed correctly who each of the girls was but when she got to Mammy she said, “I don’t know who you are, but you have been a lot of fun. Take off your scarf and mask, so we can see who you are.”  Bud took off his scarf and eye mask saying, “Surprise Jeaner, it’s me, your brother Bud; and here is my present for you.”  Jean had this shocked look on her face when he handed her the present. Bud’s present for his sister was a comb and brush set that included a nice mirror. She said, “Bud, that is so nice of you, but you

were not supposed to be a part of my birthday party.” She didn’t know whether to be mad at him or hug him for such a nice present. Then Margaret Ann helped Jean make up her mind saying, “I think that you are the cutest, Bud.” Bud blushed, and you could see it creeping up across his forehead above the black face paint.
Addie said, “This is just the beginning, Jean. The girls have all brought presents, and I’ll get them for you now. Lucille and Delores, why don’t you help me bring them in. Bud, your sister told you it was a very nice thing for you to do. I know that she loved it. Besides, I agree with Margaret Ann. I too think you’re pretty cute.”
“Ah Mom, now you’re embarrassing me.”

Jean had a special time at her surprise party, enjoying her friends, the special cake, the unknown Mammy that turned out to be her brother Bud, and all of the gifts her friends brought her. Everyone seemed to have a great time. Now, it was time for them to leave for their own homes.  The one that started out to be a very disappointing birthday ended up one that was very special. Jean looked forward to the additional pleasure of opening her presents from her Mom and Dad after supper - a Phelps family tradition.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Image sent to me of the USS Ronald Reagan

I received this image from a Twitter follower:

The message to me was as follows:
I saw this wonderful US rescue team's picture. It says "nice to meet you" on the ship.  @

You will notice that as is tradition the sailors are manning the rails all around the flight deck and the message "nice to meet you" was formed by sailors.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I will share some more beautiful Navy pictures with you!

The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) is underway in the Pacific Ocean with the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Preble (DDG 88).
The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) is underway in the Pacific Ocean with the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Preble (DDG 88)

How neat is that?  A beautiful carrier named after a political hero!

Sailors tie down the rotor blades of an HH-60H Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to the Black Knights of Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 4 against heavy winds on the flight deck.
(March 8, 2011) Sailors tie down the rotor blades of an HH-60H Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to the Black Knights of Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 4 against heavy winds on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76).

The sea looks gray & cold, doesn't it?

The amphibious assault ship USS Boxer (LHD 4), flagship of the Boxer Amphibious Ready Group, is underway during a scheduled deployment to the western Pacific Ocean.
 (March 8, 2011) The amphibious assault ship USS Boxer (LHD 4), flagship of the Boxer Amphibious Ready Group, is underway during a scheduled deployment to the 
western Pacific Ocean.

The USS Valley Forge was a bit bigger but also had a straight flight deck like the USS Boxer

An F/A-18F Super Hornet launches from USS Enterprise (CVN 65).
(March 7, 2011) An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the Checkmates of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 211 launches from catapult during cyclic flight operations aboard the aircraft carrier
 USS Enterprise (CVN 65).

Again, the sea looks cold.

Cmdr. Thomas Webber submerges Cmdr. John DeBellis in water during a Protestant baptism at sea aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72).
(March 6, 2011) Cmdr. Thomas Webber, a Navy chaplain, submerges Cmdr. John DeBellis in water during a Protestant baptism at sea aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72).

Praise the Lord - fantastic to see a baptism like this!

This is a very good place for me to sign off and to wish all of my family & friends "Fair Winds & Calm Seas"  God Bless!!!!!