Monday, January 31, 2011

Bud remembers his birthday 70 years ago in Gibbon - in "Gibbon's Secrets"

The above pictures were taken from my deck on the evening of January 31, 2011

  I wanted to share this memory of how I celebrated my birthday in Gibbon, NE seventy years ago in 1941.

     The bright sun caused the new snow to glitter like a blanket of precious gems. The pristine, white snow gave the park and fields a clean, untouched look. It was beckoning Bud outside for an adventure.  The glitter of ice on the branches gave the trees a magical appearance, and when multiplied by the many trees in the park, the brilliance took his breath away. He knew this may be his last chance to see this landscape un-disturbed before natural changes happened. Bud quickly munched on the last bit of toast, because this wintry scene was really giving him itchy feet. He wanted to run out in the snow, and maybe even fall down and make a snow angel. Bud thought, ‘I bet this is what they call cabin fever.’  
     Finally he pleaded, “C’mon Mom, I really need to get outside to enjoy the snow.” Addie said, “All right Bud, I think you need to blow off some steam, bundle up because it’s bitter cold this morning.”  Bud didn't wait for any further discussion, but ran to his room and rummaged through his closet for something to wear. He found pants, shirt, and a sweater to block the cold. He pulled up two pair of socks, and then yanked on his heavy boots. He hurried to the back porch and tugged on his coat, pulled on his gloves, and topped it off with his wool stocking hat. Ready to meet the adventure of the day, he tore out of the house, breaking a trail through knee-high snow. He broke his trail through the fresh snow all the way to Donny’s house, and looking back, he thought, ‘I’m the first human to break through this fresh snow!’  
     Arriving at Donny’s house, he knocked on the door, and Mrs. Hawke, a sweet little lady, opened the door. “Good morning Bud, how are you this bright sunny day?” Bud said, “I’m fine Mrs. Hawke.  Can Donny come out to play?” 
     “He sure can. I’ll be glad to get him out from under my feet for awhile.” Donny had been standing just behind his mom, and when she said it would be okay, he quickly said, “Thanks, mom.” He ran for his room before anything else was said, quickly getting ready to go outside. Mrs. Hawke said, “Donny, you make sure that you are back here before noon, so you will have time to wash up for our mid-day meal!”  
     “I promise to be back on time, mom.” He pulled on his coat, gloves and hat; running out the door with Bud to break another trail to the park. They had told Duncan, Wally and Stanley to meet them in the park that morning, so they were all set for an adventure. When Bud and Donny arrived at the corner by their headquarters, the three friends were already waiting for them.  
     They crossed the street, and as they trudged along toward the park Bud yelled, “C’mon guys let’s explore for tracks left by wild animals.  This fresh blanket of snow should make it easy to find some good ones.” Donny, with his timid little smile and wide eyes said, “Now Bud, there aren't any wild animals in the park. Are there?” Bud said, “Sure are, Donny. You know there could be deer, rabbits, raccoons, and even with a little luck; a small brown bear.” Wally chimed in, “That is stretching it a bit don’t you think, I have never heard of bears being seen in these parts.” Duncan added, “I did see a bear one time when I was on a trip with my grandparents up in Minnesota, but I agree with Wally – there are no bears in these parts.” Stanley couldn't resist, “You guys never know, remember the way Bud said it; ‘with a little luck we might see a bear’.”  
     Wally was running ahead and let out a war-whoop, “Hey guys, come over here, I found a deer trail.” Th e nice fresh blanket of snow was now laced with tracks, and sure enough, there was a deer trail zigzagging across the park. Th e tracks appeared to come from two or maybe three deer. Th e boys trudged through the deep snow to where Wally was standing, and their trail looked more like a stampede of animals - rather than boy tracks.  
     The boys went single file, tramping along through the snow, wiping out the deer trail with their own. They followed the trail all the way to the edge of the park until it turned into the trees along Wood River. It appeared that the trail was fresh, but either daddy or mommy deer (or both) were probably beyond the river some place, bedded down and resting, well hidden in the trees. 
     Bud stopped the march at the river bank and said, “Let’s go build a snow fort. We could even add an army of snowmen to guard the fort entrance.” The boys ran over to the middle of the park, and immediately started building the snow fort. After they finished building the fort, each took their positions along the wall. Duncan yelled from his lookout station, “Th is is a great idea Bud; I’m making snowballs for the battle.” Stanley said, “What battle, Duncan?” Duncan said, “This will be the battle between the Gibbon Commandos and the evil snow people.” Wally yelled from his position on the wall, “I’m ready for those evil bad guys!”  
     All five of the boys worked diligently building up their individual stock of snowballs, and finally Donny yelled out, “Are we ready for battle guys?” All of the boys yelled, “We’re ready for battle!” Bud said, “Waiting to see the whites of their eyes is out of the question, so when I drop my arm and say, ‘Fire’ - everyone slings those snowballs with all your might.”  
     The boys fought their battle until their gloves were soaked through, and their hands were a nice shade of pink. Bud held up his arms for a cease fire. “The battle is over, and we defeated the evil snow people.  We will now leave this battleground for a safer place.” Donny asked, “Where is this safer place, Bud?” “My house for hot chocolate, of course,” Bud said, pointing across the street to his house.  
     When the boys arrived at Bud’s house, they were stopped at the door by his mom, Addie. “It’s okay if you boys come in, but first take off your wet gloves, coats, hats, and even your boots. Leave everything out here on the porch. Hang your coats up on the nails to dry, and come on in for some hot chocolate.”  
     “Thanks Mom, that hot chocolate will really hit the spot; you must be a mind reader.”   Bud didn't realize it, but his mom had already asked the boys to come over for a surprise birthday party after they finished playing in the park. Th e boys had brought their presents for Bud the day before, and Addie had hidden them for this special time. While the boys were taking off their wet clothes and boots, Addie was getting Bud’s favorite angel food cake ready. She had the boys’ cups on the kitchen table all ready for their hot chocolate, and when everything was ready, she called, “Okay boys c’mon. Your hot chocolate is ready.”
     The boys ran in the kitchen and circled around the table. Addie gently closed Bud’s eyes and said, “Alright now Bud, I have a little surprise for you – don’t peek.” She went in the pantry and lit the candles on Bud’s cake, and brought it into the kitchen saying, “Okay boys!” At Addie’s signal the boys stood up and sang, “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Bud, happy birthday to you!” Bud’s eyes snapped open in surprise, and he said, “This is great!  I can’t believe you all pulled one over on me.”
     The boys ate their cake and drank their hot chocolate, laughing and cutting up around the kitchen table. Finally, Donny pushed away from the table and went with Addie into the pantry, and came out with the presents for Bud. Bud opened Donny’s present first, and then all the ones from the other boys. When he 
finished opening the presents the boys gathered around him and Duncan said, “We have one more
present for you, Bud. Stand up and bend over your chair, because we all want to give you your special birthday spanks.”
     Bud cringed as he leaned over his chair, but found the boys were actually pretty gentle. It didn't really hurt. His heart was pounding with joy when he said, “You guys are all special and will always be my
very best friends.”

I recently took this picture looking out on Holmes Lake (this year 2011) .
 Kids still like the opportunity to be outside on these cold winter days.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reason for such strong support for the US Navy

My reason for such strong support for the US Navy can be found by reading my book, "Gibbon's Secrets".  While growing up in a small town in Nebraska during World War II my role model was a neighbor's son who had several ships he was stationed aboard blown up or damaged severely, with the Arizona being sunk at Pear Harbor during the Japanese attack December 7th 1941.  I relate what happened afterwards in my own life relative to this experience.

Finally. . . . . . (Bud's notes on his own life)

     I did join the Navy in 1951, during the Korean Crisis, completing my pledged "secret" to my pen pal of World War II, Dale Pitke.  I served as an Aviation Storekeeper Perry Officer and saw duty aboard the aircraft carrier, USS Valley Forge, completing my four years in March of 1955.  I was introduced to Patricia L. Kelly from Grand Island, by Jerry Carney, a Navy buddy I served with at Quonset Point, Rhode Island.  I married Pat on August 13, 1955, and our love has proven to be life-long as we are still married to this day.  We were also blessed with three daughters; Bridget Claar, Shauna Raye, and Wendy Lou.

Your opportunity to re-live these home town experiences is as simple as going to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your local book store and to order my book "Gibbon's Secrets", A Boy's Memories of the 40's by RG Bud Phelps.  I have tried diligently to introduce the reader to actual happenings in this small town of Gibbon, Nebraska along with some fictional happenings to add balance.  Buy this reasonably priced paperback and help this struggling author self-publish some additional Navy experiences.  My book that is in-the-works, Seven Cruises Aboard the USS Valley Forge; is about experiences on seven cruises aboard the USS Valley Forge, with several of these happening on the Black Jack cruise shown earlier on this blog.

The USS Valley Forge - Homeward Bound


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

USS Valley Forge (CVS-45) Black Jack Cruise Album

I was aboard the USS Valley Forge for this last cruise of my four years in the Navy (1951-55), not as ship's company but as an assigned squadron.  Ours was the VC-4 Squadron and our group of Corsairs had been specifically designed for sub chasing.  Our Commanders name was Emmet Shaw and if anyone has information about him, please let me know.  

I have enlarged several of the photos that I felt were especially important to me and If you would like additional photos enlarged please advise and I'll post them for you.  This cruise was an experience that will be in my memory banks forever.  Enjoy.................

USS Valley Forge


1955 Cruise Log

Photo Album

Get a taste of ship board life! Enjoy this album of 45 photos from the 1955 Cruise Log. 
I would like to further enhance the pages of this album. Can you identify anyone in these pictures? Do any of these pictures bring to mind a story or anecdote of your ship board life?

drop anchor


Food line at ship's partyWe load for Europe, parking signs and allFarewell...
Good-bye to pier 7UnderwayAF's spotted
A Marine bull session on the fantailPlotting contactsRigging for the "cat"
Talking shop with a destroyerThe storm should be hereThe radio shack
Bringing two "Horses" into the barnGetting her readyThe print shop
A day of prayer...and recreationJust don't drop me
Don't rush there's plenty more.Easy...
easy does it...
...Navy style
A brief interlude...An emergency appendectomyA highline transfer
Refueling at seaPortrait of a fuel lineMaybe next payday...
...on the doubleLighting off a boilerLooks like it will have to go
Spanish dancers liven up the duty section40mm gun crew in actionWe were delayed by a little "wind and sea"
Readying for the launchThe "paper mill"The inevitable shots
Hearts at noontimeTurn to......and when you have finished that...
Coming aboard...1954 Cruise MapAF's coming into the pattern

Primary Fly's ViewHomeward boundGibraltar, just like the Prudential ads

I have enlarged several of the above photos for your enjoyment

USS Valley Forge - Underway

This was our crew working on a VC-4 Squadron Corsair

I believe that's me in the chow line-2nd from the right

Refueling at Sea- USS Valley Forge on the right, tanker in the middle, 
destroyer on the left

Spanish Dancers from Barcelona - we went to their club on liberty

This was during a storm off of the Azores 

Coming aboard
Our compartment was the one with the portholes showing 
just under the flight deck

1954 Cruise Map
The storm off of the Azores is shown 

Homeward Bound
The plane landing was one of our VC-4 Squadron Corsairs (F4U)