Saturday, June 27, 2009

From "Gibbon's Secrets" - Time Line of World War II for the years 1940-1945

Gibbon's Secrets has a time line of various battles and happenings for each year - starting in 1940 and ending in 1945. Bud received a gift from his Dad of three scrapbooks of clippings from World War II and therefore felt it would be an honor to his Dad to include the Time Lines in his book. Check it out, you will find history items that you may have forgotten.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 25th 1942 - from Gibbon's Secrets Ch 28

June 25th 1942

Lieutenant General Dwight D. Eisenhower is appointed commander of US forces in Europe.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

From – “Cover Your Nut” 1.2 Basic Accounting Principles

You must understand that the only reason that you are starting a business is to make money, and to do so you must have the tools to accomplish this.  “Cover Your Nut” is a general term for covering the costs and expenses of your business to make a profit, and something that is often left out in the early planning stages of a business.  In order to make money with your business, the first step should be to see at what point in time, and with what revenue, will I cover all of my costs and expenses.  The “Cover Your Nut Principle” is the most important step that you can make toward being successful in reaching the original goal for starting a business, (making money).

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 6th, 1944 Allied forces launch the D-Day invasion of Normandy – Chapter Thirty Seven

     The news about D-Day really didn’t come out in the papers here in America until nearly a week after the fact, but when the news broke everyone on the home-front devoured the particulars.  The announcement that over 100,000 men had landed on the beaches of Normandy in the first 48 hours was equivalent to over 100 times Gibbon’s total population.  It’s hard to imagine, but over 5,000 ships were involved in the initial landing, and tons of equipment and men were carried on shore via landing crafts.  The early June news about D-Day still didn’t take away from the June successes for the Navy.  The battle of the Philippine Sea caused the Japanese to lose 3 aircraft carriers and 400 planes.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

From – “Cover Your Nut” – 1.2 Basic Accounting Principles

     Accounting is a system for recording and measuring the results of an economic activity.  Accounting gives us the information that we need to plan for the future, utilizing the information from the past.  The results of the application of accounting information through budgets gives us the guidelines to set product prices, plan for purchasing or building of materials, and planning for increases in future individual expense items based on historical facts rather than flip-a-coin guesses.